
资料分类:音乐舞蹈论文 上传会员:阳の阳 更新时间:2014-07-30
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关键词:盖里安诺;手风琴探戈音乐;创作特点; 影响


Abstract: Galliano for the use of accordion playing tango music is outstanding. As a prominent representative of the accordion tango music. More importantly, the accordion tango music to the top of the world, has reached an unprecedented height.

This article through to the accordion and Galliano tango music combine as the object of study,, to make a more comprehensive and in-depth study of the development of the tango music and some of his works. The article first from Galliano and his tango music started the whole article writing, let the reader to tango music origin and development through the Galliano's introduction, to reproduce the indissoluble bound Galliano and tango music; then, based on the accordion at the Galliano agent by Ge in music, deeply understand the status and role of accordion in Tango music the article also through to; later, Galliano works by Claude "tango" from the creation background and creation of musical structure analysis, the paper summarizes the characteristics of Galliano; finally, summarizes the effect of Galliano on accordion tango music and contributions of this paper chapter. 

Key words:Galliano; Accordion Tango Music; Creative characteristics; Influences

上传会员 阳の阳 对本文的描述:本篇论文着眼于盖里安诺的手风琴探戈音乐,以他最著名的手风琴探戈作品《致克劳德的探戈》入手,来分析和研究盖里安诺的创作特点,最后总结盖里安诺对手风琴探戈音乐的发展和......
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