
资料分类:音乐舞蹈论文 上传会员:阳の阳 更新时间:2014-07-30
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关键词:作品题材; 弹奏技巧; 艺术价值; 调式调性;结构特征。


Abstract: An Analysis of the Mr.Huang He dulcimer player dulcimer works, and characteristics of the study playing a combination of rhythm, strength fluctuations, as well as background stories, by way of example, some works paragraphs classified summarize, from the artistic point of view from of a performance tuning tonality, and artistic value, expressed the shared characteristics of these works to identify the characteristics of Mr. Huang . His work will play the melody structure with dulcimer skills combined with close natural level. All in one, it stands apart. Artistic value contributed to dulcimer playing and composing career, praised China's outstanding family name integrity.

Key word:themes of work; playing skills; artistic value; modal tonality; structural features.

上传会员 阳の阳 对本文的描述:本文从音乐的各个专业角度分析黄河作品的特征及共同点,对演奏者今后的演奏技巧,表演情感,音乐素养有着极其重要的提升作用,对今后的扬琴乐曲创作者有着借鉴作用。黄河以中......
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