
资料分类:音乐舞蹈论文 上传会员:阳の阳 更新时间:2014-07-30
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【关键词】淮海戏; 传承发展; 创新保护


[Abstract] Huaihai opera, is popular with the local opera of Jiangsu Province, Haizhou, Shuyang, originated from Guanyun area, has been 200 years of history, the old saying "Huaihai opera". As a country with a long history of local opera, Huaihai play beautiful aria, unique performance form, are reflected in the Huaihai region culture. In this paper, the "history" and "Huaihai play in Huaihai play classical repertoire," Pi Xiuying four "as the two main aspects of cases of" as the research content, analysis of the formation of Huaihai play in the development and innovation of protection.

[keywords] Huaihai play ;  the inheritance and development of ;  innovation protection

上传会员 阳の阳 对本文的描述:淮海戏流行于江苏省的淮(淮阴市)海(连云港市)地区。连云港市古称海州,为少吴遗墟,在商代称为东夷,清代海州升为了直隶州。中华民国后,把海州改为了东海县与灌云县。1......
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