
资料分类:音乐舞蹈论文 上传会员:阳の阳 更新时间:2014-07-30
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关键词:钢琴读谱技巧,规范,良好习惯   再创造


Abstract: Reading is an important part in piano learning, it is correct or not directly affects the correctness of our playing piano works, it's two times to create directly reflects the player works unique understanding. In this paper, the process of the piano learning with reading skills, and his many years of experience in playing the piano learning and experience, to read music in piano learning, play important function in the exploration and research. The paper firstly illustrates the importance of reading in the actual playing the piano; while also exploring in learning and practicing the piano before, how to establish a standard reading ability; in the piano learning good reading habit formation process, and in respect to the author at the same time, then how to create reasonable through their own there is a better understanding of the work, so that we can better, more standardized and playing the piano well. 

Key words: Piano music reading skills, norms, and create good habits

上传会员 阳の阳 对本文的描述:除了这些以外,我们还要对不同乐谱版本进行研究,因为在资料缺乏的时期,乐谱的流传会出现很多版本,不同版本的乐谱,它的读法和演奏方法是完全不同的。由此,我想在此篇论文......
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