
资料分类:音乐舞蹈论文 上传会员:艾米 更新时间:2014-09-17
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关键词  少数民族,藏族舞蹈,发展,创新


ABSTRACT:Treasure is also one of the trpical representative of the Tibetan Folk art from, is the symbol of the Tibetan People’s wisdom ,it condensed the Tibetan people’s intelligence .From The category of Tibetan dance, this paper mainly probes into the characterIstics of Tibetan dance, methodology and the development and innovationof Tibetan dance, in the inheritance  ofexcellent traditional culture ant the same time ,absorb the nutrients of the Times ,strives for perfection,to better carry forward the excellent national culture,make Tibetan dance towards the world art community.

Key Words:Minority  TibetanDancing  DevelopDevelopment  Innovate  Innovation

上传会员 艾米 对本文的描述:本篇文章我觉得最多的是锻炼自己,是充实自己的一个好的学习方法。藏族舞蹈不管是在哪里都有自己的发展和创作空间让我们一起来探索和发掘藏族舞蹈的发展与创新之处......
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