
资料分类:音乐舞蹈论文 上传会员:happy 更新时间:2014-09-18
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关键词:柔韧性 ,科学性 ,重要性


ABSTRACT:dance as a pure use body movements to express the artistic form of human emotions, to complete some action, it must on the human body each part of the joints, ligaments and muscles ability have a certain height requirement. It to improve the single action, a variety of combination, drama and dance play an extremely important role. The basis and premise of flexible training is to improve the dance moves, also is the only way to obtain dance skills. Therefore, to solve the flexibility of the body, the scientific nature of the method is very important. Has good flexibility, talents for the dancers dance, expressive force and the stability of the force control to lay a solid foundation. The flexible training in dance training how important? Below, I combined with their experience on the importance of flexible training are discussed in this paper. 

Key words: Flexibility, Training methods and Importance

上传会员 happy 对本文的描述:舞蹈艺术美的创造如果不对其进行符合专业要求的训练,就无法达到专业应有的效果。可见,在舞蹈训练中有很多基本练习是跳好舞蹈的前提。其中柔韧性训练是最基本的专业技能,它......
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