
资料分类:音乐舞蹈论文 上传会员:happy 更新时间:2014-09-18
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关键词  舞蹈教育 , 身心发展 , 审美价值  ,完善体系


ABSTRACT:The development process of training students, play a sense of the guiding function,and dance education of both practical value and aesthetic significance have its special advantages in training student' physical and mental quality .And this article will analysis the influence of dance education from the aspects of student's physique, will and personality mold, music qualitative and the social knowledge ,then description and discusses the approach to implement the dance education.

Key Words:Dance education    Physical and mental development  Aesthetic value    Perfect the system

上传会员 happy 对本文的描述:真正有意义的舞蹈教育并非是单纯地以机械地灌输或者严厉地管束的传教方式进行的,而应该致力于激发及唤醒舞蹈学生对事物的本质追求和自然感受,以追寻艺术美的自我感知的方式......
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