
资料分类:音乐舞蹈论文 上传会员:happy 更新时间:2014-09-19
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关键词    古典舞,韵,魅力


ABSTRACT: Chinese classical dance with its unique charm among the dance of the world, one of the word "yun" (rhyme) gives the unique aesthetic characteristics and style of the Chinese classical dance."Body charm, artistically, verve," the three complement each other, to form their own unique charm and inner meaning of vocabulary system.Charm of Chinese classical dance musical sound is not only show the dance movement vocabulary rich, also reflected the Chinese devotion to disposition of modern character, temperament, more sends out the philosophy of life, of love and the meaning of things.As a representative of Chinese dance, one of the classical dance, with its heavy historical and cultural accumulation, unique Oriental aesthetic temperament and interest, the profound Confucianism culture connotation, its appeal to showcase the Chinese classical dance dance the strong cultural characteristics and realization of life consciousness.

Key words: Classical dance, Rhyme, Charm 

上传会员 happy 对本文的描述:从所翻阅的文献资料来看,这对我的研究和探索给予了莫大的帮助。在积累了大量的信息之后,便可深入而有针对性的对本课题的重点问题进行探索和研究。在实际撰写过程中精炼细化......
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