
资料分类:音乐舞蹈论文 上传会员:happy 更新时间:2014-09-19
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关键词:    个人性格,舞蹈风格,和谐


ABSTRACT:The dance is a kind of body language to express feelings, thoughts, is the most ancient most long-term form of art, dance to bring people pleasure and aesthetic feeling of satisfaction is the language of unspeakable. Man is a thinking, emotional animal, because everyone's life environment is different, the personality characteristics and aesthetic standards of our differences, and our way of expressing emotion and content are different. From a dance style of the works we can see that a person has what character, we can from a person's character that he is suitable for the jump what kind of dance, a dance to the stage the perfect show to the audience, to obtain a good visual effect, need is not only the light and props, more need a dancer inside can and has played the role of match, to achieve "people and sword". If a person's personality can be harmonious and dance style into a piece of dance works, this will be the icing on the cake, bring the audience different us.

Keywords: Personal character,The dance style,Harmonious

上传会员 happy 对本文的描述:本文立足于性格与风格的问题,首要解决的是理解个人性格、舞蹈风格的意思,根据对个人性格和舞蹈风格的理解对个人性格与舞蹈风格进行深度剖析,从中做出出如何使个人性格与舞......
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