
资料分类:音乐舞蹈论文 上传会员:happy 更新时间:2014-09-19
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关键词    色彩,设计,灯光,演员,舞台表演,舞台服装


ABSTRACT:The world we live in is full of beautiful colors, we live in color among the colors produced on a different understanding. Also given a different color in different emotions. Color is due to the refraction of light produced. Sunlight on different objects, the different objects and the action of light and the absorption of sunlight reflecting different form various colors, which is the color of the object we see. Meanwhile, the most important factor in stage costume is also the application of color, superior color, you can make even more fantastic stage performances. In this paper, the color feature in the stage costumes, stage costumes and color processing and color matching are discussed and put forward some of his own views.

Key Words: Color,Design,  Lighting, Actors, sSag performances, Stage costumes

上传会员 happy 对本文的描述:我们通常在剧场,电视,电影,阅读或听说过的节目,它可能没有正式的背景或没有正式的舞台,但从来没有见过没有正式的服装,所以在舞台上服装起到了非常重要的作用。观众在观......
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