
资料分类:音乐舞蹈论文 上传会员:happy 更新时间:2014-09-19
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关键词:    麦西来莆,维吾尔族,舞蹈,赛乃姆,刀郎舞


ABSTRACT:Mexrep has a long history and is loved by people of all ethnic groups in xinjiang, a form of singing and dancing. It is made of dances, songs, and a variety of entertainment and folk customs, the combination of a and its deep cultural background and folk custom background, widely spread in Xinjiang region. Xinjiang around the different geographical environment, different culture, customs and habits, have become the main factors of the formation of Mexrep characteristic. And its form of expression and social function also more specific happening with the progress of society continuously, diversity, rich change. The non-material culture is Xinjiang uygur people precipitation crystallization, cultural essence of history. This article first to the wheat west to achieving introduces the historical origin, and with the west to achieving dance representative " Synime" and " Dolanmexrep" as an example, through to its form, dance form and style of study, further study of wheat and west to achieving the Uighur the importance of the cultural inheritance and cultural value.

Key Words: Mexrep ,Uygur ,Dance ,Synime,Dolan dance

上传会员 happy 对本文的描述:学习和研究麦西来莆文化的脚步不能停下,每一个舞蹈学习者都肩负着保护“非物质文化遗产”的责任和义务,这不仅是对麦西来莆的继承和发扬,同时让更多的人认识和了解维吾尔族......
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