
资料分类:音乐舞蹈论文 上传会员:龙骑士 更新时间:2015-04-26
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关键词    演奏,弦外动作,音乐情感,音乐作品


ABSTRACT:In the pipa playing, players with the right hand to pick, tremolo, roll play, and string, and according to the string with his left hand, push and pull string, string, and string of fingering touch action (that is, the string action) to reflect the acoustics of the pipa, and another important form of expression - string outside action, in the whole process of pipa playing plays a role of supplement and extension, to strengthen the integrity of the music, more specific, strengthen the expressive force of the music, the music feeling proud of making music more rich, exquisite, performance, real realize the unity of the music and the emotion.

This article through to a number of different characteristics of pipa music works to the brief analysis of string PuLi action to emotional expression of the music, this paper expounds the only string action (touch action) and chord action (breathing) organic union, the emotional expression of music works to enrich great performance.

Key Words:  Playing, String Outside Action, Music Emotion, Music works

上传会员 龙骑士 对本文的描述:随着时代的不断发展,弹拨乐器种类的也不断增加,后来人们才逐渐把秦琵琶、曲顶琵琶、曲项琵琶还有阮咸琵琶被分别命名,例如阮、月琴、三弦、等,至此,“琵琶”这两个字才成......
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