
资料分类:音乐舞蹈论文 上传会员:龙骑士 更新时间:2015-04-26
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ABSTRACT:Erhu is a traditional Chinese musical instruments. In the course of its development, erhu which at first only used as accompaniment musical instrument can become a concert solo instrument through the efforts of several generations. Through continuous exploration and practice of musicians, the playing style of erhu based on the traditional style, slowly shows a trend of diversification presently. This paper based on the "glorious bloom - ten big youth erhu concert" as an example analyzed the contemporary erhu playing style in many ways, for example, from the development of erhu playing style, the formation factors of contemporary erhu performance style and the basic trend, as well as by "Charles Dash" to see the playing style of musicians.

Key words: Erhu; Traditional instruments; Playing style; diversification

上传会员 龙骑士 对本文的描述:华彦钧演奏的风格与特点,体现在他使用二胡的形制与定弦法上。在演奏方面,华彦钧二胡演奏右手的弓法,以短弓见长,多一字一弓。音量饱满,坚实有力,这与他用的弦比较粗和经......
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