
资料分类:音乐舞蹈论文 上传会员:浅浅的回忆 更新时间:2013-06-20
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关键词:气息;情感; 民歌;位置



Yunnan folk song in Yunnan is not only the core and foundation of the ethnic music, but also for the national development of literature and art also has a special significance. It is the important part of national music, is also the national music development in the embryo, it not only gave birth to the Yunnan minority operas, folk music, but also for the opera 's further development provided rich nourishment. " Rock mouth water" is a song for soprano solo song lyrics. The songs range is broad, smooth melody is exquisite, has the Yunnan folk style. Lyrical songs is able to express the author 's emotions for a person or thing, can express the author's idea. " I love plum plum" this song is the Premier Zhou lived in plum plum aria, using the gimmick, in praise of our beloved Premier Zhou 's noble character, the performance of people today should be the deep feeling thick.

Keywords: Breath, emotional, folk ,position


上传会员 浅浅的回忆 对本文的描述:《岩口滴水》是一首女高音独唱的抒情歌曲。歌曲音域宽广,旋律流畅优美,具有云南民歌的风格。抒情歌曲是能够抒发作者对人或事的情感,能够表达作者内心的想法。《我爱梅园梅......
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