
资料分类:音乐舞蹈论文 上传会员:浅浅的回忆 更新时间:2013-06-20
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China this great nation and has thousands of years of history and culture of the place, has too many arms patriotic compatriots and people, in the experience of this profound national sentiment is also deeply feeling to Chinese culture and thoughts of the crowd, embracing the motherland great river, sing the praises of motherland the beautiful scene."I love you, China" with a strong homesick feelings and beautiful rivers and mountains of a country can sing at the same time, the need for the entire first song the treatment to be homesick emotional control."Like a snowflake from the sky" shows the feelings of men and women of pure, with snowflakes and leaves to the image of the performance of the old love sincere best.The whole song syllables beating little, with moderate feminine style to infection of music atmosphere.

Keywords: Atmosphere; breath; Resonance;Position; Emotion


上传会员 浅浅的回忆 对本文的描述:《我爱你,中国》带着强烈的思念祖国大好河山的感情和气度演唱的同时,需要对整首曲子的处理加以思乡情绪的控制。《我像雪花天上来》表现了男女感情的纯粹,用雪花和秋叶来形......
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