
资料分类:音乐舞蹈论文 上传会员:Angela 更新时间:2013-09-05
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ABSTRACT:The skill is performance art works of the local requirements, pianist Neuhaus said," how many piano music has many piano skills", eight degrees to its strong performance, by the majority of the composer's favor, especially the western piano music development to the romantic period, play, eight degrees in the works it is often seen. Therefore, are used, eight degrees is the piano playing technique is difficult for students to grasp the basic skills. Pedal in piano playing also occupies a very important position, how to correctly, reasonable, flexible use of the pedals are many pianists in the long-term practice has been to explore and research. This article through" clouds chasing the moon"," Hunting Song" two pieces of piano practice on the piano eight degrees for effective training and on the piano for the pedal tone, basic skills and basic function of the pedal in different styles and different periods of piano works of master and use.

Key words: skills; eight degrees; pedal;practice




上传会员 Angela 对本文的描述:《彩云追月》、《猎歌》两首钢琴曲的弹奏实践,对钢琴八度进行有效的训练,以及掌握对钢琴制音踏板的基本功能、基本技巧和踏板在不同风格和不同时期钢琴作品中的运用。......
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