
资料分类:音乐舞蹈论文 上传会员:Angela 更新时间:2013-09-05
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ABSTRACT:Vocal music is a difficult subject, in order to improve their understanding of vocal music and singing ,only in practice.The purpose is not only to the vocal singing a song will sing perfect, it was even more important to make songs to express the ideological content of perfect performance, while the songs expressed the thought is the emphasis and difficulty in vocal music singing.Many excellent singer song can be a wide audience loves, except they have good voice and superb singing skills, but more importantly they have superb performance skills and emotional expression ability.We are singing the song, need to deliver songs real emotion, how to cause the audience heart, give people the enjoyment of buty, how to mix together emotion and singing in a performance,  we need study from the vocal music basis, find the singing methods, how to break through, only by a large amount of practice, and stimulate their vocal music singing perception.

Keywords: Breath;Articulation;Soprano;Emotional state




上传会员 Angela 对本文的描述:我们在演唱歌曲时,需要如何传递歌曲的真实情感,如何引起观众内心的共鸣,给人们以美的享受,如何做到声情并茂的演唱,这就需要我们从声乐的基础做起,找到歌唱的方法,如何......
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