
资料分类:音乐舞蹈论文 上传会员:Angela 更新时间:2013-09-05
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ABSTRACT:The development of Chinese music culture has five thousand years of history, the Chinese nation in the long history of several thousand years, created a rich music culture. Song \"yellow folk song\" sing the Chinese nation strong great heroic, express the Chinese people to defend our country against aggression struggle spirit and win the confidence; It for the liberation of the Chinese people's struggle for freedom sacred, plays a significant boost. Turpan grape ripe \"this song creation in 1978, creating background is about a name, o's sweat uyghur girl and guard the control points of the KeLiMu love story.

  The" Yellow River ballad" and" Turpan grape ripe" this two song practice, draw to successful singing vocal music works, to master the rhythm of the song. Emotion, as well as in singing should pay attention to the breath, breathing, phonation, articulation, enunciation. Singing skills. Taking natural place to achieve overall resonance in singing. His works the author want to express feelings, with the plain feelings, the complete concert.

Keywords:  Singing skills; Breath; Resonance;Emotion


上传会员 Angela 对本文的描述:通过对《黄水谣》和《吐鲁番的葡萄熟了》这两首歌曲的实践,得出了要成功的演唱一首声乐作品,要掌握歌曲中的节奏。情感,以及在歌唱中应注意的气息、呼吸、发声、咬字,吐字......
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