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资料分类:音乐舞蹈论文 上传会员:Angela 更新时间:2013-09-05
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ABSTRACT:Music practice should be through scientific methods to cultivate their reasonable singing posture, excitation of singing emotion singing, specification language, make good vibes, gradually master the scientific breathing method. According to its own characteristics, this article from the practice are outlined, the process of practice, the problems and solutions of harvest, practice four aspects elaborated its practice in the course of study of the problems and requirements of its own harvest, must solid lay good foundation for vocal music, applied after the singing practice.

Keywords:  respiratory; breath; resonance; articulation; emotional state


上传会员 Angela 对本文的描述:声乐演唱实践应该通过科学的方法培养自己合理的歌唱姿势、激发歌唱的情感、规范歌唱的语言、让自己获得良好的共鸣、逐步掌握科学的呼吸方法。根据自身特点,本文从实践概述、实......
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