
资料分类:音乐舞蹈论文 上传会员:学大教育 更新时间:2013-10-09
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关键词: 国内音乐教育存在的问题  国外音教法  核心理念  实践方法  国外音教法的借鉴


Abstract: In reform and opening up of primary and secondary school education background music for the rare good opportunities for development and to successes, but at the same time also faces many problems. for example, primary and secondary school teachers teaching the music, light weight of teaching students to participate in the knowledge skills and experience ;of teaching, for practical activities ;of a single, teaching good results, etc. Dalcroze system , kodaly system and orffl system contain and, sensing the creative spirit and artistic potential, to enhance the feeling for music students, and the ability to respond to. The principles of reasonable education and learning manner, it is worth china learning music education should be encouraged by the combined the characteristics of the students, teachers and students to the professor was glad to accept the teaching method to study arts lay a foundation is more important to tap and development of the children of the potential to develop up to world demand.

KeyWords   Domestic problems in music education,Foreign music teaching,Core concept,Practice method,reference




上传会员 学大教育 对本文的描述:合理的教育原理和实践方式,值得国内音乐教育的借鉴,教育者们应结合自身的学生特点,形成适合国内教师教授、学生又乐于接受的音教方法,为学习艺术专业打下良好基础,更重要......
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