
资料分类:音乐舞蹈论文 上传会员:学大教育 更新时间:2013-10-09
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关键词:  姚滩;生存与发展;兴衰;余姚姚剧团;革新; 典范


Abstract:As a part of local opera of Tanhuang series in Wuyu.Yaoju, was came of Yuyao in eastern Zhejiang province. It was transformed from traditional local arts of talking and singing since two hundred and fifty years ago. After went through several drama changes in decades, in 1956, its name had changed into Yaoju. Meanwhile the Group of YuyaoTanhuang had renamed into Troupe of YuyaoTanhuang. Via revolution in factors, including music, stage setting and performance,as well as incitement and performance of modern times opera, a number of Yaoju performers had well trained. At the same time, large quantities of opera had appeared, besides they had won prizes and awards during states even national opera championship. Finally, Yaoju turns into the nonesuch within the development of local opera in Zhejiang province.

KeyWords: Yaotan; existence and development;rise and decline ; Yuyao Opera Troupe ;reformation ;model




上传会员 学大教育 对本文的描述:姚剧工作人员在编剧与导演、演员、剧目的创作、音乐的发展、舞美和表演技能上不断的进行革新,其培养了许多姚剧后备人才,一大批剧目脱颖而出,并且在浙江省乃至全国重大戏剧......
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