
资料分类:艺术类设计 上传会员:我的美女老师 更新时间:2013-10-28
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关键词:铁艺,家具, 公共座椅,风格,装饰


Abstract:As the modern society's business environment become more diverse, the demands of consumers also pay more attention to the personalized. Therefore, the product must be practical at the same time pay attention to the shape of innovation. While the iron itself is a product, as well as a work of art or dedication Decorated in a modern environment, the iron become more and more popular. So at the same time, each a wrought iron furniture in the act as a practical furniture will reveals its artistic charm decoration.

  This article focuses on the application of the iron features, combined with wrought iron features and style, in order to analyze and research on its structure, material, color and production process. To explore the spirit of the starting point of the design for man, carried out a detailed survey on the existing wrought iron furniture market, summarized and analyzed existing iron furniture. Iron furniture as a carrier of designer's aesthetic concept, when its own truly be reflected, will make our life more colorful.

Key Words:wrought iron ,Furniture , seat , style , decoration




上传会员 我的美女老师 对本文的描述:本文着重分析了铁艺家具的应用的特性,结合铁艺家具设计的特性与风格,对其结构、材质、色彩和制作工艺上进行分析与研究。本着“设计为人”的出发点进行探讨,就铁艺家具现有......
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