
资料分类:艺术类设计 上传会员:大学校花 更新时间:2013-09-30
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Abstract:A good landscape sketch should be read in the art and functions are highly combined. We engaged in city landscape design, must on one hand is to appreciate the demand such as the scale, proportion, appropriate appearance, new form, unique elements; on the other hand also provide service needs, solved in the landscape of behavior requirements.

  The contemporary Chinese city landscape design concept, the contemporary landscape theory and contemporary science and technology, integrated into the Chinese traditional gardening experience and landscape materials, to create suitable for contemporary life, but also has Chinese historical and cultural connotation of the space, to implement the principle of sustainable development and presentation of environmental art at the same time, let a person with the harmony of nature.

  The great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation is not only a political and economic rise, more important is to reshape the name of national culture is brilliant. Therefore, we should walk along this path, for the contemporary Chinese city landscape development and make more positive contribution.

Key Words:City landscape, the integration of traditional Chinese elements, combined with art and function.





上传会员 大学校花 对本文的描述:一个好的景观小品应该看其在艺术及功能上是否高度结合。我们在从事城市景观小品设计时,必须一方面是欣赏的需求如尺度、比例、合适的外观、崭新的形式、特有的元素;另一方面......
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