
资料分类:艺术类设计 上传会员:邻座的怪同学 更新时间:2013-11-08
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关键词:中式风格 餐饮空间造型 舒适 以人为本


ABSTRACT:The economic base determines the superstructure, with the development of science and technology, human life change rapidly, in the busy study and work life, people also hope to have their own way of life, to alleviate pressure, they no longer meet this way of life only to solve the food and clothing problem, on life quality requirements improve, food and clothing live line were different pay attention to, in which several, besides eating other are the external way of life: eat, a simple words, every place has a different stress, eating directly determine the health of the human body or not, so people the dining environment. The restaurant is designed around "the central point of people-oriented", the use of traditional Chinese elements into the design, from the color, material and other aspects of bold and innovative design, displaying the traditional Chinese style restaurant, let people understand Chinese traditional architectural culture in the dining process, understanding of Chinese folk customs. The solutions to the unity of principle, from the exterior to the interior is the pursuit of a harmonious, natural, comfortable. The dining space design objective is to create a reasonable, comfortable dining environment, to meet the people's material and spiritual requirements. Let people enjoy the dining and cultural functions in the space.

Keywords: Chinese style  dining space design  comfortable  people foremost




上传会员 邻座的怪同学 对本文的描述:通过对本方案的设计,从中领悟到餐饮空间设计中要体现出“以人为本”的概念,首先要从消费者的角度出发,在空间的设计手段上诠释,给消费者提供良好的就餐环境,给投资者提供......
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