
资料分类:艺术类设计 上传会员:fuyifan 更新时间:2014-05-26
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摘  要:玻璃是一种常见的材料,玻璃艺术璃艺术是以艺术为主要前提,以玻璃为载体的玻璃造型艺术,以富有创造性的形式和方法表达的一种视觉艺术。


   玻璃艺术从广义上讲用艺术的手法在玻璃材质上加工,现在玻璃艺术在行业和社会上被广泛应用在室外装饰,室内装饰,商业装饰上。 玻璃历史源远流长,玻璃工艺在人们生活中发挥着愈来愈大的作用。从古代文明时期到今天,玻璃,进行着一次又一次的蜕变,才成就了如今玻璃艺术装饰品的独特魅力。

关键词:玻璃艺术 玻璃罩工艺 国内外市场 发展趋势


ABSTRACT:Glass is a common raw material. Glass art is an styling art which use glass as carrier and take art as main premise. Also, glass art is an visual art which express  via creative forms and methods.

    Glass art is the definition of glass commodities with various decoration, functions and design. It is the spirit which is invisible. Also the glass artworks are considered as the production of artists with the unique character of hand making and special layout. 

    Generally speaking, glass art is to create art with material made of glass. Contemporary glass art is widely used in plenty of industries nowadays. The application of it includes indoor, outdoor and commercial decoration, just to name a few. Besides, glass has a long history and its impact is increasingly growing in daily life. From ancient times to present days, glass-making process has been developing, which contributes to the unprecedented glass art currently.

Keywords:Glass art;The glass process;The domestic and foreign markets;development tendency

上传会员 fuyifan 对本文的描述:玻璃本身就以它材质独有的延展性和通透感,以及艺术性和实用性的完美结合于一体等特点,越来越受到广大人群对它的喜爱和欣赏。玻璃无论是用来制作实用的器物,还是用来做装饰......
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