
资料分类:艺术类设计 上传会员:fuyifan 更新时间:2014-05-26
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摘  要:室内环境就像一面镜子,它能映射出人们的物质以及精神生活,是由生活创造出来的舞台。在各个时期里,不同的生活方式对室内环境的不同需求体现了出来,人们在生活中会有选择性的对待现实,并且根据自己的思想和期望来加以改变或者调整,但现实环境往往无法使人们感到满足。


关键词:极简主义 简约 陈设艺术


ABSTRACT:Indoor Environment is a mirror which can reflect of human material and spiritual life, it is a stage which created by our life. The different life style in different times has made different demands of indoor environment,people tend to treat the real life with selective , and in accordance with their own thoughts and desires to reform and adjustment it, but the real circumstance can not always satisfy their needs. 

   By analyze the history and characteristic of minimalist design,this article discussed how to use the “minimalist” thinking to creat an elegant、classical environment which is functional as well, and how an important position of minimalist design will stand on in the future of China’s interior design development path. 

Key words: minimalist;interior design;display artistic.

上传会员 fuyifan 对本文的描述:在室内设计的漫漫历史长河里曾经出现过虚浮的装饰设计风格,“极简主义”推崇改变以往奢华的装修和琐碎的装饰,把重点放在创造简洁通透的空间,其简约的风格越来越受到人们的......
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