
资料分类:艺术类设计 上传会员:fuyifan 更新时间:2014-05-27
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摘  要:现在餐厅室内空间的氛围营造成为人们关注的问题,氛围的好坏直接影响消费者的心理。什么样的餐厅氛围才能够吸引消费者呢?舒适优雅的氛围能够被消费者迅速接受,“雅”是从中国古代就被提出来的高尚精神之一,“雅”具有一定的底蕴,他包含了自然、和谐、质朴、高尚、美好等氛围,因此,“雅”的氛围营造在餐厅室内空间设计中也变得重要起来。“雅”的氛围营造,需要设计师充分合理的利用空间,深入研究,重点从消费者的心理活动出发,通过空间形态的确定、空间尺度的把握,空间色彩、灯光和材料的运用,来营造一个舒适、和谐的环境氛围。

关键词:餐厅室内空间 氛围营造 雅 心理 运用


ABSTRACT:Now the restaurant interior space atmosphere build problems become the focus, the stand or fall of atmosphere directly affect the consumers' psychology. What kind of restaurant atmosphere to attract consumers? Comfortable and elegant atmosphere can quickly accept by consumers, "elegant" from ancient China was put forward, one of the noble spirit of "elegant" have a certain background, he contains a natural, harmonious, simple, noble, beautiful atmosphere, therefore, the atmosphere of "elegant" build in a restaurant in indoor space design also become important up. "Elegant" atmosphere build, need stylist reasonable use a space adequately, in-depth study, the focus from the psychological activities of consumers, through the determination of space form, spatial scale, space use of color, lighting and material, to create a comfortable and harmonious atmosphere. 

Keywords:restaurant interior space;ambience;Jas;psychological;Using

上传会员 fuyifan 对本文的描述:“雅”他没有欧式古典容繁琐,没有中式风格的刻板,没有现代餐厅的冷酷,空间布局上接近现代风格,但在配线方法、界面形式上接近新古典,因此,我们在选材方面要注意他的质感......
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