
资料分类:艺术类设计 上传会员:浅浅的回忆 更新时间:2013-06-20
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关键词:专业、高品质、平面设计、 新马房地产



   New horse real estate development Co., LTD. In December 30, 2010, to begin to prepare building into a professional and high quality of real estate development companies, real estate development company to create the first brand honghe river, in view of this marketing strategy import VI system.

   Based on the real estate market multilateral visit honghe river, understand that in the Mongolian and even honghe markets are in beginning stage, lacks a fairly sound professional real estate development companies, the situation is relatively chaos, urgently need a market into a routine can drive the enterprise appear, new stable long development Co., LTD abundant funds, to the honghe mengzi construction in becoming a professional and high quality of real estate development companies, complete market leader of honghe task.

   New stable long development Co., LTD. Is a more mature real estate development company, a company needs to synthesize various innate factors favorable to complete the company's VIS foundation design development, VIS design, development, application system, thus VIS system manual production to make company market strategy can smooth finish

Keywords: Art Design; Visual Communication; Planar Design


上传会员 浅浅的回忆 对本文的描述:通过对房地产市场的多方走访,了解到在市场正处于起步段始,业内的局势相对比较混乱,迫切需要一个能带动市场走入正轨的企业出现,而新马房地产开发有限公司资金雄厚,欲在红......
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