
资料分类:艺术类设计 上传会员:浅浅的回忆 更新时间:2013-06-20
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  The bar as a fashion of a new consumption concept. the bar ( saloon ), it is moreular, the obvious feature is prominent theme for the consumption of a large part is to enjoy the bar was offering of services, and he often drinks in a secondary position. in the bar of the night life in the conversion of retailing modules are run by the better operation of the cultural heritage and development.

  The ocean is humanity’s greatest treasure house of resource the future sustenance of human existence the greatest ocean has many animal and the number of species not found on land, and the number of species is very .To many more than the land, but there are still quite a lot of undiscovered sea creature. Species and many land no or rare minerals, metals oceans are a number of plants and animals to live, Green algae in the ocean is the main atmospheric oxygen producer of tropical coral reefs, the most abundant species. On the planet’ecosystem. Is a colorful undersea world, the human race is still deep-sea organisms to understandPoorly understood.

  This design scheme will bar culture and Marine intention, thus creating a esthetic concept of space.

Keywords: The cultural of bar; The theme bar; Biological of Ocean


上传会员 浅浅的回忆 对本文的描述:酒吧作为一种时尚,代表了一种新的消费理念。而主题酒吧(Saloon),现实比较流行,主题酒吧的明显特点即突出主题,来此消费的客人大部分也是来享受酒吧提供的特色服务,而酒水......
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