
资料分类:艺术类设计 上传会员:园丁小瞳 更新时间:2013-09-26
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关键词: 高校公寓,卫生间,空间利用,储物


Abstract:This paper attempts to study the retional use and ductility for the bathroom furniture from the student residence in the colleges and universities.

   To the universal universities,student residence into two groups:One has a traditional bathroom and the other has a modern bathroom. Besides the basic functions like a urinal,morden bathroom has been fitted up with some modern conveniences including the bathroom fumiture.That’s make differences between two groups. In the colleges and universities, using the bathroom furniture will improve the bathroom’s space practicability consumedly.So far, since a large number of students,most of universities still didn’t fit up the bathroom furniture to store the daily necessities and wash tools and save the problems effectively.

   Some students put their tooth glass or their toothbrush on the sill or the cabinet,these are ordinary phenomenon,and the bathroom space can’t be used better.

Key Words:The Residence,Toilet ,Space utilization,Storage





上传会员 园丁小瞳 对本文的描述:本课题是探究在高校公寓卫生间中添加浴室家具并且如何更好地合理利用空间收纳学生的日常用品。现在,大学生的生活越来越多姿多彩,对物质的需求也越来越高,这些物质的追求无......
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