
资料分类:艺术类设计 上传会员:园丁小瞳 更新时间:2013-09-27
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关键词:保障型 室内家具 个性 简约 组合


Abstract:With the rapid development of China's real estate market, house prices have more long more high. For some in the city of life after 80 youth, and after graduation, working years, job and income below them, to buy or rent of the economy is applicable the room area is relatively small. To this kind of small family decorate, appropriate furniture is indispensable. Today, domestic this kind of small family furniture market is not as foreign as mature. In the existing furniture market, almost is rarely to buy to suit small family indoor furniture. Aimed at young consumer groups and the furniture also little. At present, the young consumer groups have become the main market of furniture of consumption. Along with the gender, individual character, vogue, function diversified elements into a whole, with simple style is mainly young people nowadays the main tendency. I design products is follow these young consumers to furniture demand, in the shape of the contracted combination with form. Increased in the daily use of interest and arbitrary. 

Key words: Safeguard model ,Indoor furniture ,personality ,contracted ,combination




上传会员 园丁小瞳 对本文的描述:目前,年轻消费人群已经逐渐成为家具市场的消费主力军。随性、个性、时尚,功能多元化等元素融于一体,以简为主的风格是现今年轻人的主要倾向。我所设计的产品便是遵循了这些......
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