
资料分类:艺术类设计 上传会员:大学校花 更新时间:2013-09-30
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Abstract:The modern interior space design industry becoming more developed with the economy’s development and living standerds impvove. The interior decoration is An integral part of the interior space design, simple indoor decoration, especially plant decoration, may be able to active the atmosphere of the entire space,or even play a role in the fishing touch. Aesthetic and practical combination is most consistent with peoples’ demand.

Today, the interior space design professional has become mature .various of outstanding designs continue to gush; the more interesting ideas have to take into if the designers want to be highlighted in this industry. Performance to meet customer needs under the premise of the unique design style makes a comfortable living environment at the same time, the enjoyment of the highlights of its unique personalized living space.

In this passage, the main indoor plant decoration decorative effect on the entire space and customer’s personal feelings needs to explore, to illustrate the function of the atmosphere and the human’s personality feelings .start from this perspective, take into my graduation, which discusses the important of the application of the decorations on the fun of plants .

Key Words: interior design ,interesting plant decorations ,application





上传会员 大学校花 对本文的描述:本文对室内设计装饰性元素的应用有一定的导向作用。在这个追求个性,追求享受的时代,室内装饰设计仍处于鼎盛时期,在不断涌现的优秀作品面前,我们需要的是更多的创新,独特......
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