
资料分类:艺术学院 上传会员:皇家戏子 更新时间:2014-02-17
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摘要:DV短片作为一种新兴的媒体艺术形式,其方便、自由的形式使其在近十几年内得到了长足的发展和广泛的普及。随着大众化的DV短片制作日益专业化,风格化的趋势。 笔者将从传统影片片头标题设计的角度切入到DV影像短片片头标题设计进行分析,分别通过DV影像短片片头标题设计发展趋势及片头画面分析,阐述了DV短片片头标题设计中的字体设计,图像编排和色彩表现在银幕上进行良好布局,论证了字体,图像与色彩在DV短片片头标题设计中重要性。并结合笔者的影像作品以及具体案例来着重阐述标题设计的具体方法,并通过创作实践得出了好的片头标题能使DV短片更具完整性,更出彩。



Abstract: DV video as a new media art form, its easy, its free form within the last ten years have seen significant development and wide adoption. With the growing popularity of DV video production professional, the style trend. Title I design from the perspective of film titles to the DV video clips cut into the design of the title titles, movie titles were designed by screen overview and analysis of titles, described the design of film titles in the title font design, layout and color images shown in Good layout on the screen, demonstrated fonts, images and color design in the title of the importance of titles. Combined with the author's video works, and focuses on specific cases to the specific title of the design method, and obtained through the practice of good title can make DV video titles more integrity, more color.

Key words: Picking, Title, Design




上传会员 皇家戏子 对本文的描述:片头标题设计的发展由最初简单的字幕编排,直到今天结合现代高科技手段综合运用的动态设计艺术。片头标题的设计对影片整体的风格语言具有揭示性影响力。一个好的片头标题画面......
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