
资料分类:艺术学院 上传会员:皇家戏子 更新时间:2014-02-17
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关键词:flash动画 动作节奏 动作设计 运动规律


Summary: Animation as an art in itself given its definition. "Move" a word to give it vitality and significance. Flash animation in the development process, there is a clear vision different from the traditional animation features not studied, but as the action-paced nature of the animation design, and so there is also the movement of new changes and their characteristics. The pursuit of traditional animation soft soft elastic effect, flash animation is kind of cool stressed particularly strong sense of visual impact. Flash animation moves towards a more compact design, omission, hard, fast-paced momentum of development. Its design method, is no longer very action-oriented process, but focus on results.

Keywords: flash animation  motion  motion design  movement of the rhythm


上传会员 皇家戏子 对本文的描述:本文主要实例论证,解析结合的方法进行研究,根据其主要依据,进行探讨flash动画动作特征,进一步通过例子和实践分析动作设计的方法。尝试对我国的flash动画的动作设计的一些相关......
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