
资料分类:艺术学院 上传会员:我是小强 更新时间:2013-09-11
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关键词:欧美动画   人物角色  色彩表现   文化内涵


Abstract:As the most shinning mark of animation,the shaping of characters has high priority in creating an animation film.And colors are crucial factors to enhance the overall effect.Usually the creation of characters and the design of colors are based on the cultural background where the story happens,as well as social issues such as the race,status and region.For a long time the European animation has been leading the development of the whole industry,which not only takes a dominant position in mainstream market,but also ambitiously steps out towards experimental fields.The characters in European animation are exaggerated,unique,full of imagination, and excellent at personification.The exotic style of frame owns brilliant coloring,strong viusal infectivity ,extreme fascination of change and comparison,and thus the unique artistic beauty of  every single work.My thesis here presents a detailed analysis of the coloring pattern of American and European animation,and explores the influence and inspiration they have on our native animation industry.Key words:European animation ,characters,coloring,cultual connotation


上传会员 我是小强 对本文的描述:欧美动画的人物造型夸张,特点鲜明,极具想象力,大胆地将各类事物拟人化。别具一格的画面色彩丰富绚丽,视觉效果强烈,将对比变化的魅力发挥到了极致,赋予了每一部优秀动画......
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