
资料分类:艺术学院 上传会员:我是小强 更新时间:2013-09-11
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关键字: 音乐、画风、设计、MV  《黄色潜水艇》 虚拟乐队


Abstract:Music has the consanguineous connection with movies and animations of the time. Chernyshevsky.G, the Russian famous philosopher said “Beauty is hearing, vision inseparable together, leave hearing, vision is unimaginable.”. Therefore, music owns the art functions to force the story grow, to builts the atmosphere and to express the tiny emotions.   Along with the development of animation undertakings, music also joins the big family as a unique element and combines with them particularly through the style of drawing. So the MV animation could be designed.   Music plays a very important role in the animation. Depend on the particularity of the taste of feelings and the special connection between beauty and emotion. And this has chosen the role for music in a very animation. The phylogeny of MV animation was step by step. It begins with the magnum opus of Beetles, 'the yellow submarine' in 1960s, another representative virtual band 'Gorillaz' makes a great contribution for MV animation.keywords: music, style of drawing, design, MV, 'the yellow submarine', virtual band.




上传会员 我是小强 对本文的描述:MV的制作有技术因素,但更重要的是艺术因素、美学因素。技巧是一种手段,技巧要为主题服务,为内容服务,为整体创意构思服务。......
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