
资料分类:艺术学院 上传会员:我是小强 更新时间:2013-09-11
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关键词:动画  场景  风格


Abstract:The scene in cartoon provides a particular space of role’s perform, is one indispensable element of the complete film. on the aspects of accounting for time and space,rendering the atmosphere,promoting the story, riching menu and enhancing the appreciatory value of cartoon,the cartoon scene has played an important role.

   The different styles of Scene have a great impact on the narrative style, emotional atmosphere, aesthetic interest and elaborating subject of the whole cartoon. Therefore, depending on the different video style, handling design the different styles of scene and using reasonably and accurately can not be ignored. This text through discussing and researching the different styles of cartoon and related elements, hope for provide the reference suggestions in making cartoon which  involved in the aspects of cartoon scene designing style.

keywords: cartoon  scene  style




上传会员 我是小强 对本文的描述:本课题研究只能概括浅析研究的问题,所以仍存在很多不足,需要今后不断地对这方面的知识努力去进行更广、更深入的了解做更完善的改进。......
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