
资料分类:艺术学院 上传会员:Angela 更新时间:2013-09-12
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Abstract:20th century's greatest photographers Ansel Adams summarized the experience of more than the invention of the "district system." It is left to future generations a master of the most precious heritage. Since the popularity of color photography began after the color film and photographs made by the technical requirements are very strict, so these operations are generally not personally order. Plus more products in recent decades with the camera auto-exposure feature, many photography enthusiasts and professional photographers will no longer be considered so much, just set the camera to shoot in automatic mode. After shooting all the work has been to the shop to complete the professional image, so the partition system becomes not so important. Over time, many people forget to partition the system, and even many in the professional photography photographer, basically do not understand what is the partition system. 

    The HDR photography as a new subject to a lot of photographers alike. The reason is the power of its powerful performance of the screen, a photo will be able to enrich the level of performance, then, what is its principle in the end, why there is such a good impact and expressive images? Partition between the exposure system and the HDR in the end what kind of association with it? The actual shooting and our What has been the point? 

Keywords: expectations; exposure level; HDR; Derivatization


上传会员 Angela 对本文的描述:HDR作为新兴的摄影技术,受到了很多摄影人的喜爱。究其原因,是其强大的画面表现力,能够在一张照片上将丰富的层次表现出来,那么它的原理到底是什么......
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