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资料分类:艺术学院 上传会员:Angela 更新时间:2013-09-12
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关键词:人像  姿势  布光


Abstract:Advertising photography is currently the proportion of all photography to occupy a large proportion, and it’s for the most important portrait .  After the invention of photography, portrait photography began to enter the field. Of course, due to limitations of the technical conditions at that time, portraits were still only in the initial stage. With the continuous advancement of photographic technology and development of the concept art of the people, portrait photography has changed a lot today. So a photographer for many in one day can be taken to complete a number of realistic and natural portrait masterpiece, greatly the possibility of enriching the creative photographer, you need a more detailed portrait of the status of advertising photography and better grasp the portrait advertising photography. Research significance of this is that by studying the pictures in the form to reflect the content of the work directly to help researchers familiar with the whole process of advertising photography portrait is conducive to further research, are familiar with the use of the advertising portrait photography techniques and visual expression.

Key words: Portrait     Position     Distribution of light




上传会员 Angela 对本文的描述:本课题的研究意义在于通过研究图片形式能够直观地反映作品的内容,帮助研究者熟悉整个人像广告摄影的流程,有利于进一步的研究,熟悉整个广告人像摄影的运用技巧和视觉表现手......
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