
资料分类:中学教育 上传会员:lxswj2006 更新时间:2014-06-02
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关键词:生物; 调查; 提高生物学习效果


Abstract:Nowadays, with the rapid development of science technology and the people’s changing idea of science, many countries in the world restart to evaluate the science education. As a hot subject in the new technology time, biology need some changes much more serious to improve biological education and to improve the effect of students’ learning about biology.The paper that writed curriculum background, idea , biological requirements of study in juior middle school were analyzed. In this essay, we understanded three parts: the position of biology in the education, the position of biology in the students’ mind and the position of biology in the society,then we use the questionnaire survey to research the effect about students’ study about biology in several diffrenent level junior school (including school in village,town and country) in the gaochun city. The survey indicates the majority of the students just grasp the knowledge ability objectives in the biological studying. As to the process and the mothod, the emotional attitude values target,most students can't achieve or cannot fully achieve. we analysed the education in junior middle school and the mothod of students’ study,through that,we think how to improve the study rate of biologcal education by using some good ideas.

 Key words:living things; survey; enhance biological effect of learning 

上传会员 lxswj2006 对本文的描述:教室成了学生探索生命科学的唯一空间,教材成了学生认识生物的唯一材料,生物变成了“死物”,学生学习生物的兴趣和创造性思维受到抑制。为了改变这状况,使学生不仅能掌握知......
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