
资料分类:中学教育 上传会员:艾薇儿 更新时间:2013-07-09
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关键词:农村中学的物理教学; 物理教学质量难提升; 对策


ABSTRACT:Rural secondary schools start using the new curriculum and new textbooks is not a long time and during the curriculum exploration period. Comparison with the better conditions of urban secondary school, on the one hand, the rural secondary school students' basic knowledge is narrow, and all aspects of uneven development; the other hand, the teaching facilities in rural secondary schools lag behind, especially the construction of the physical laboratory is still backward. Improving the quality of students and the quality of physics teaching, which is a secondary school physics teachers face a new challenge in rural areas. Therefore, I selected eighth grade and ninth grade classes of 83 students of La Jing Middle School as the research object. To survey the rural secondary school physics teaching situation and found that the main problems in rural secondary school physics teaching are: Improper student learning, lack of teaching equipment, teachers' attitude are not correct, inappropriate teaching methods, in addition to social, family and other negative effects. On basic this Survey, through analysis rural secondary school physics teaching to get reasons which the quality of teaching is difficult to enhance. Thus, I propose some countermeasures, to improve students' understanding of the importance of the physical sciences; to develop students good study habits; to deepen exchanges between teachers; teachers should update the teaching methods timely; teachers to straighten out the teaching attitude and changing teaching methods; to strengthen the construction of school facilities and students should often share their situations with their parents.

Keywords: Physics teaching quality in rural secondary schools, Difficult to enhance the physics teaching quality,Countermeasure


上传会员 艾薇儿 对本文的描述:以此调查为基础,通过分析研究出农村中学物理教学质量难提升的原因。从而,我提出了一些对策:提高学生对物理学科重要性的认识;培养学生良好的学习习惯;加深与老师之间的交......
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