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资料分类:财务管理 上传会员:你好,学长 更新时间:2013-11-10
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关键词 产权比率;资产负债率;负债结构;财务杠杆


Abstract:The capital structure measures the ratio of corporate debt and equity, and reasonable capital structure can bring convenience to the company's operation. Therefore, great importance should be attached to the optimization of the capital structure of iron and steel enterprises. Hence, the research of the optimization of capital structure is urgently needed. The systematic study of the capital structure will contribute to the rationality of the capital structure.

   First of all, this paper introduces the relative theories of capital structure through the use of case study method focusing on Yangzhou Longchuan Steel Tube Co.,Ltd. Next, it makes a brief presentation of this company’s current situation, shows us the status of the company’s capital structure and reveals its problems. This company’s problems lie in five aspects: the maladjustment of the equity capital and the debt capital, the overburden of debt, the unreasonableness of the proportion of liabilities, the narrowness of the perspective of financing, and the unfavorableness of the legal environment. Finally, after the rational analysis of these problems, the author puts forward the optimization measures for this company. Optimization initiatives are divided into two major aspects: firstly, to build a favorable external financing environment for the company. It includes completing the legal system, reflecting the macro role and reinforcing the innovation of diversification of financing instruments; secondly, to strengthen the building of capital structure from the perspective of corporate, and propose the optimization measures. It consists of decreasing the debt capital, increasing the equity capital, reducing the debt asset ratio appropriately, regulating the liability structure, and broadening the financing channels. 

Keywords  Equity Ratio  Debt Asset Ratio  Liability Structure  Financial Leverage





上传会员 你好,学长 对本文的描述:本文在对资本结构相关理论阐释的前提下,首先对扬州龙川钢管有限公司的资本结构现状进行了简要介绍。通过运用案例研究法,对龙川钢管有限公司的资本结构进行分析研究,发现目......
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