
资料分类:财务管理 上传会员:jj.luck 更新时间:2014-05-16
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Abstract:Fair value of the property is a hot spot in the accounting field both in the world or China. Even after the promulgation of new guidelines, it has become a bright spot. Based on the Jiamin Co., Ltd, the paper explores the different periods in the fair value of the criteria for debt restructuring by comparison. The understanding of fair value accounting standards in the application process and criteria is forecast to fair value of the possible implications. Believed that with the improvement of relevant laws and regulations and the quality of the employees, the fair value is totally feasible and fair value measurement will be brighter in the future. 

    The full text can be divided into five parts: 

   the first part is the content of fair value, include the background of the application of the fair value, the different definitions and measurement principles. 

   The second part is the debt restructuring in the application of fair value of the debt restructuring in China. 

   The third part is about the new accounting standards debt restructuring changes in fair value and its impact on the debt restructuring. 

   On the part IV, response measures are put forward based on the analysis of the impact of debt restructuring.

   The fifth part of this Jiamin Limited for debt restructuring in the use of the fair value of the impact, analyzing and predicting, summarize a series of response measures.

Keywords :Fair value  Debt restructuring  Application of impact

上传会员 jj.luck 对本文的描述:债务重组准则是我国独特的会计准则,国际会计准则对此问题并无太多阐述。仅在39号“金融工具的确认和计量”中有相关的描述。公允价值在我国的应用,首先就在债务重组中的运用。......
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