
资料分类:财务管理 上传会员:你好,学长 更新时间:2013-11-15
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关键词 中小企业;内部会计监督;内部控制


Abstract:Small and medium-sized enterprises as the active factor in the market economy, has become the basic power of economic growth and coordinated operation. And it plays an important role in the development of the social economy. But the small and medium-sized enterprises can not escape the fate of "short life". In recent years, under the influence of the financial crisis, large numbers of small and medium enterprises closed down in our country. This situation is disadvantage to the development of our country’s economy. Although the financial crisis is the important factor that result to their bankruptcy, the bad management in enterprise is the most fundamental reason. Accounting supervision is an important means of business management. And it is helpful to improve the internal management of enterprises. It is also good for the improvement of the economic efficiency. Due to these advantages, the development of enterprises can be promoted. So the key to get rid of the bad fate is the establishment of internal accounting supervision mechanism.

   According to the actual situation of domestic accounting supervision and the advanced experience of other countries, this paper described the theory of the internal accounting supervision. On this basis, it points out the problems of internal accounting supervision in small and medium-sized enterprises with example of Suqian Jinji Food Co.,Ltd. In addition, this paper analyses the reasons of this problems by internal cause and external cause. At last, it provides some countermeasures to make small and medium-sized enterprises’ internal accounting supervision more perfect. By these countermeasures, the operating management will be better. So that the development of enterprises will be more healthier and steady in the fierce market competition.

Keywords  Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises  Internal Accounting Supervision  Internal Control 




上传会员 你好,学长 对本文的描述:本文根据本国会计监督的实际情况并借鉴国外先进的经验,在描述内部会计监督相关理论的基础上,以宿迁市金吉食品有限公司为例,指出中小企业的内部会计监督存在的问题,并展开......
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