
资料分类:财务管理 上传会员:你好,学长 更新时间:2013-11-16
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关键词: 预算会计;企业会计;联系;区别;合一性


Abstract:Since the founding of the accounting system in our country has been divided into enterprise accounting system and budget accounting system two kinds big. Along with the development of the cause of accounting in China, the budget accounting and enterprise accounting though and some differences, but both similarities but more and more apparent.

   This article from the budget accounting and the basis of the connotation of enterprise accounting, this paper discusses the budget accounting and enterprise accounting of the features of the relation and difference between, further clarify the budget accounting and enterprise accounting the nature of their goals and principles, and puts forward some budget accounting and enterprise accounting of the combination of possibility.

Key Words: budget accounting;the enterprise accountin;contact;difference;combination




上传会员 你好,学长 对本文的描述:本文从预算会计与企业会计的内涵出发,探讨了预算会计与企业会计各自的特点,两者之间的联系和区别,进一步明确了预算会计与企业会计各自的性质目标和原则等,提出了预算会计......
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