关于研究与开发费用处理的探讨 .rar

资料分类:财务管理 上传会员:你好,学长 更新时间:2013-11-18
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Abstract: In today's knowledge economy, research and development costs in the enterprise in the proportion of total expenditure increasing, increasing the performance of a regular, fixed expenses for enterprise development and the formation of core competencies provide a continuous power. China in 2001 in the Accounting Standards issued by the requirements of all current research and development costs are expensed, the cost of treatment has always been exposed limitations. 2006, Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises issued, drawing on international practice guidelines, research and development costs will be in accordance with the accounting treatment of the research phase and development phase, respectively, and the capitallize of costs.     With the company's investment in research and development costs increasing, causing the community have an effect on the cost of general concern. From the 1970s, since there were reports of foreign financial disclosure requirements in research and development costs, thus giving scholars use empirical methods to study this issue has created favorable conditions. China from February 15, 2006, after the promulgation of new accounting standards require listed companies from January 1, 2007 implementation, research and development costs have begun to be disclosed, which is China's accession to the WTO, the International Accounting Standards and integration of expression, making the country the opportunity to undertake such a study is also maturing. 

Key words: Research and development costs;capitalization ;expense;Accounting Standards





上传会员 你好,学长 对本文的描述:研究费用费用化是国际上所普遍认同的,但是开发费用的具体如何区分资本化还是费用化还有待进一步的研究,现状中研发支出的资本化费用化界限是非常模糊的,而且也不可能非常具......
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