
资料分类:财务管理 上传会员:莉雅 更新时间:2013-12-08
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关键词 筹资方式;资本结构;优化管理


Abstract:With the transition of market economy in our country, the prevailing problems in the course of development of the SMEs are lack of fund and difficulty of raising fund.  As a member of the SMEs, there exist some problems in the process of raising and managing funds of Fenjinting Wine Co.,Ltd. of Jiangsu provinces.  The object of this study is to propose some optimum methods based on the problems existing in process of raising fund, which can perfect the Fenjinting's financing management and help the company get through the difficult of rising funds.

   The main research method of this paper is case analysis; the basic paper of this thesis is financing management; the research object of this paper is Fenjinting Wine Co.,Ltd. of Jiangsu provinces.  Through studies with the company's status of fund raising management activities, this article proposed a number of problems in the company's financing management, including the poor credit, the single fundraising approach, the unreasonable capital structure, the unreasonable rates of assets matching funds, the bad solvency and the imperfection of enterprise internal management.  Besides, it proposed some optimization measures, such as increasing the company's business credits, widening the channel of collecting funds, optimizing the capital structure, financing by the outright sale of operating rights, carrying out various kinds of mutual financing guarantee, strengthening financial management and improving the company's management level.

Keywords  Financing  Capital Structure  Optimal Management






上传会员 莉雅 对本文的描述:本文运用案例分析法,以企业筹资管理基本理论为基础,以江苏分金亭酒业有限公司为研究对象,通过对该公司筹资管理活动现状的研究,提出了该公司筹资管理中存在的一些问题:信......
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