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资料分类:财务管理 上传会员:莉雅 更新时间:2013-12-08
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关键词 价值链;会计信息系统;ERP系统


Abstract:Since the 1990s, the economic globalization begins to sweep across the whole world, accompanied with the rapid development of the logistics companies. While value chain management has gradually become a new competitive strategy, the third party’s logistics enterprises also need to develop suitable accounting information system in such a competitive strategic environment.

   Against this backdrop, this thesis focus on the study of accounting information system of logistics enterprises under the value chain as the current accounting information system cannot meet the requirements of modern logistics enterprises. This paper analyses overseas and domestic research status which based on researching related articles, the current status of logistics companies’ accounting information system under the management of the value chain, taking Xuzhou Hongkang Co., Ltd for instance, on the basis of the value chain, accounting information system and ERP theory, in order to find out the characteristic of the company’s accounting information system. The problems and causes based upon the status quo are as follows, the accounting information can't meet the needs of value chain management, the accounting system is imperfect and the allocation method of the cost is not clear, finally puts forward solutions to accounting information system’s problems by making improvement under the ERP system and perfecting the logistics enterprise’s accounting information system under the value chain.

Keywords  Value Chain  Accounting Information System  ERP System




上传会员 莉雅 对本文的描述:会计信息不能满足价值链管理的需求、会计核算体系不完善、成本分配方法不明确;最后提出在ERP环境下进行改进,完善价值链下的物流企业会计信息系统,以解决物流企业在会计信息......
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