
资料分类:财务管理 上传会员:莉雅 更新时间:2013-12-08
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Abstract:With the development of economy in our country, the phenomenon of listed companies using the earnings management to manipulate profit is intensified, triggering a series of financial scandals, causing serious economic losses, and hindering the healthy development of stock market. Study of earnings management’s motivation, means, identification methods and countermeasures is of great significance to information users. 

   Using a case analysis method, this paper begins with the discussion of the motivation, precondition and means of enterprise earnings management.

   In the part of case analysis, the paper analyzes several practical cases of listed companies and the means they use in earnings management, including using the provision for impairment loss and reverse in the following year to increase profits, restructuring debt and changing accounting policy to turn a profit; obtaining funds from related party transactions and government subsidies to improve corporate financial situation. 

   Finally combining with results of case analysis, the paper puts forward a series of countermeasures how to perfect earnings management: perfect the internal management structure of listed companies, strengthen accounting standards and accounting system, standardize government behavior, reduce administrative intervention, develop external supervision mechanism and strengthen accounting personnel professional quality. 

Keywords   Earning management     Impairment loss      Debt restructuring




上传会员 莉雅 对本文的描述:本文主要采用了案例分析法,首先论述了企业盈余管理的动机、产生的条件,盈余管理采用的手段。在案例分析的部分,结合多个上市公司实际案例,分析上市公司所使用的手段。案例......
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