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资料分类:财务管理 上传会员:离不开你 更新时间:2014-01-26
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关键词 农村小额信贷;金融创新;制约因素;可持续利率


Abstract:Rural microfinance in the development of China's rural economy is accelerating, compensate for the lack of rural financial markets, to accelerate the development of the rural economy, improve farmers' living standards. But the current level of awareness of domestic farmers to micro-credit in rural areas lack of knowledge lack of promotion of rural micro-credit operations in different regions suffered various degrees of obstruction. Therefore, development of rural micro-credit is important.

   Constraints and countermeasures to study the Rural Microfinance Development in Jiangsu Province as a guide. First to introduce the background and significance of issues and research situation, a brief review of the Rural Microfinance Development of the main on the Present Situation of the rural micro-credit business in Jiangsu Province to discuss analysis, namely the development of Jiangsu Province the external environment of the rural micro-credit, the credit operations of business entities and the provisions of use of funds and its actual conduct analysis shows. Then the problems for rural microfinance business in Jiangsu Province to carry out analysis, such as the government's administrative intervention, interest rates, lack of flexibility, microfinance capital repayment rate is not satisfactory, the lack of funding sources and the complexity of the loan program, credit risk ;product content single and credit professional quality low. Finally, according to its constraints, the corresponding countermeasures and suggestions, such as clear that the government acts to enhance the awareness of farmers repayment, innovative financial products and improve the professional quality of staff. In short, this article intends to help by analyzing the make up of rural finance function defects in Jiangsu Province, to guide the normal development of microfinance in rural areas, improve rural financial services, thereby promoting new rural financial smoothly, and the rapid development in Jiangsu Province, as well as nationwide.

Keywords  Rural microfinance   Financial Innovation   Constraints    Sustainable Rate

上传会员 离不开你 对本文的描述:本文以研究江苏省农村小额信贷发展的制约因素及对策为导向。首先,介绍问题提出的背景和意义以及国内外研究现状,其次,在简单回顾我国农村小额信贷发展现状的同时,主要就江......
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